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5 Reasons to become a PADI Instructor

5 Reasons to become a PADI Instructor

5 Reasons to become a PADI Instructor

5 Reasons to become a PADI Dive Instructor:

#1 Your office is wet... ALWAYS
Your office is underwater, you get to experience the joy and excitement of diving each day as you explore the underwater world. Even on chilly raining days, our teams are always excited to dive. A bad days diving (if that exists) is still better than a good day in the office. 

#2 You get to change people's lives
Words cannot express the excitement and joy on a person's face once they have experienced their first few breaths underwater and nothing can compare to their sheer elation upon surfacing from their first ocean dive. You do genuinely change people's lives.

#3 You meet awesome people
You meet the most amazing positive people, everyone is happy after a dive and you have common ground from which to strike up a conversation. Scuba Diving is a sport but it's not competitive in any way. It's all about shared experiences and divers love to share their stories.

#4 Diving is healthy
What would you say if I said you could go to work every day and do something that makes your healthier. Studies have shown that the exposure to oxygen at pressure is really good for you at certain depths, plus the meditative breathing techniques used by divers when breathing slowly all the way in and out during a 1-hour dive has a cleansing effect on the bodies lymph system.

#5 Live your dream, don't wait till you are 65
Most people believe that you must work hard at a corporate job during the week for 40 years so they can save up enough money to retire and maybe one day move to the beach so they can relax and dive. My view is why not move to the beach now and live your dream now... Why wait until your 65 to do it...?  Your life is made up of the experiences you have on a day to day basis, will you look back on your life one day and say... I really wish I had spent more time at the office...? or would you prefer to say, I'm really glad I was in the ocean all those years, diving, teaching and contributing to all those around me... What a way to live... To touch the lives of so many...

What are you waiting for... Start living your dive dream today!

Do you want to be a PADI Instructor?
For more info on our PADI Career Development and Instructor programs send me a message and we will gladly hook you up.. :-)

Chat Soon
Kevin Cook
PADI Course Director @ SCUBA.co.za

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